Friday, October 26, 2007

Va-Yera -- Domestic abuse??

Va-Yera is not easy. Again. Boy, when I thought about doing this blog, I hadn't really expected it to be so least, not in the way it has been.
In this portion, Abraham haggles with God in an attempt to save Sodom and Gomorrah...and we all know how that turned out. But it's brilliant. Abraham convinces God that the cities should be saved if He can find 50 good people living there...oh, wait. Make that 45. Uh, no...make it 40. Okay, wait: 30. No, no, no...20. Ok, my final offer: 10. If You can't find 10 good people there, go ahead and rain fire and sulfur upon them. Yeah, and sulfur rained on them; but Abraham tried!!Just before the destruction, though, Lot, Abraham's nephew, who is now living in Sodom, is told by angels to take his family and get the hell outta Dodge before it all happens. They have a hard time leaving the place, but in the end, they do go...though Lot's wife turns around to watch and is turned into a pillar of salt (and I can't help picturing Dom Delouise in the movie "Wholly Moses" sneaking a couple scrapes off of Lot's wife onto his dinner plate when no one is looking).
Then there is a very disturbing scene wherein Lot's daughters get him drunk and "LAY WITH HIM," their father, and bore a son each by him...their father. Their father. Uncle Dad.
Then God tells Abraham and Sarah that they will have a son in a year. They, who are pushing a hundred years old each. The thought of this makes Sarah chuckle with doubt. God says "You WILL have a son, and you'll name him Yitzhak (anglicanized into Isaac)," which means "He laughs." Yeah, well...I don't think he was laughing when God told Abraham to bind and "offer him up" on an alter. Before that, though, Sarah sends her slave and the son she bore to Abraham away so that the son cannot inherit what is Isaac's. They are given some bread and a flask of water and sent out into the desert. They run out of bread and water and it gets to the point that Hagar (the slave/mom) sets the baby down under a bush and walks away so she cannot see her child die.
The portion ends with the very famous binding and offering up of Isaac, subject of much discussion and very popular amongst the Renaisance painters, which is halted at the last possible second by angels. In his place, a suddenly discovered ram is offered up.

I had planned on writing something completely different which would have allowed me to use Bob Dylan's "Highway 61" in the subject line. But I hadn't finished and I went to tonight's services and everything changed. The very brilliant Rabbi David Stern spoke eloquently and passionately about domestic abuse. It was very moving. He was clearly disturbed by his own words and had to pause for a moment to regain himself. If I had the complete text of his sermon, I would enter it here. Unfortunately, all I can do is say how much it moved me and made me realize AGAIN how lucky I am to have these clergy persons in my life.

But it also put this whole portion into a different light as I started thinking about why THAT sermon during THIS parsha? It got me thinking about Hagar and baby Ishmael forced out of their home because Sarah was so jealous of them. Lot having to flee his home while all his friends were killed in a rain of fire; then to be bizarrely raped by his daughters! Then, certainly, not least, Isaac being tied up and a knife being angled at him by his father.

By today's standards, these are all scenes of domestic violence. Terrible, terrible things inflicted upon people without their consent by people in their own households. We are taught that the akida, the binding of Isaac, is a lesson about devotion to God. Well, you know, bully for Abraham I'm sure, but what was going through Isaac's mind?? Later rabinnic writings try to assure us that, by the time it got to that point, Isaac knew what was going on and he went without a qualm. Isaac was, after all, 37 years old by that time...and Abraham was well over 100! It's doubtful Abraham could have done any of this without Isaac's approval. But still...what was it like after that? Were there anymore Father/ Son picnics? You know, I joke but really, how did this affect Isaac?
And Hagar, who was given to Abraham by Sarah specifically to conceive a son, now being driven from her home by that very same woman BECAUSE OF that son they wanted at first, now heart-broken, certain of her child's death, leaving him under a bush so she couldn't witness the inevitable?
Both stories have happy endings, though. God intervenes and all is made right. Through Isaac, Abraham's bloodline is carried on and the nation of Israel is born. God opens Hagar's eyes to a spring right over there which she hadn't seen before she cried out for help; and she and Ishmael go on to live happy and fullfilling lives.

In all honesty, I don't know what to say about Lot. That's a pretty vile scene they describe there, and I don't see any "happy ending" for him. But we can at least say he had to be drugged to do what was done. He would not have done it otherwise. It's a very disturbing scene of male rape...but, man, by his own daughters! Ugh.

But I am always driven to find the positive spin of Torah stories. This is a book to learn and live by. The lesson cannot be "Offer up your son and banish the woman with your bastard son to die in the desert."

Both stories end with sudden new sight. Rather than Isaac being killed, Abraham is stopped by angels and a ram is suddenly seen entangled in a bush; and that becomes the offering to God.
Hagar, crying, scared and alone cries out to God and her eyes are suddenly opened to a spring of water that she didn't see before.
What I see here is that, even when things are at their worst, one needs to just keep going and keep going. But, ugh, that sounds so Hallmark! And I should talk! Sometimes, all I can think is how tired I am of being the only person in my household. Sometimes, it's all I can do to go from moment to moment...especially on days off when I don't even have work to push me through. I guess maybe I SHOULD talk...because I guess I'm sort of a master at "keep going, keep going." Sometimes, all that keeps me going is knowing that the weekend will bring these magnificent times at the synagogue. Sometimes, that's all I have. The rabbi's sermon may have been disturbing but I am intensely grateful to have witnessed it.
But I am not a person who can say to an abused person, "Hold on, keep going." How terribly presumptious and egotistical of me that would be. I cannot possibly know what that is like or how deep the fear factor is. All I can do is hope that such a person will eventually find the courage to get out. That they'll eventually see that the abuser is always wrong and that there is help to be had. Maybe they'll get out and that's when they have to "keep going." Maybe when they're out, their eyes will suddenly open and they'll see their own worth and that there is never, ever any justification for what they went through. And if they have children, that they will grow up understanding that also and not propogate the abuse.
I am having a very hard time trying to wrap this up, so I'm just going to stop. I have read and re-read this entire post several times. Edited and re-edited and I still feel like it has gotten away from me. If you plowed through it and didn't hate it, I'm glad. I certainly tried.
And this is why I love Torah study so much!
Shalom rav!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Lech L'cha---Put a motor in it

In this week's portion, Abram gets the word from God: MOVE ON!
"Go forth from your native land and your father's house to the land that I will show you." Abram takes his wife, Sarai, and nephew, Lot, along with all their possessions and heads on to Canaan.
This is one of my favorite portions as it has so much emotional resonance for me, as it does with anyone who has packed up and moved away from their home and family. Who knows what's really ahead? You have some idea that it's going to be good, possibly better than what you're leaving behind; but you don't really know that. All you know for sure is that some voice inside you said "Lech l'cha." Go forth.
There may be hard times; you may not get along with your travelling companions; you may find yourself in dangerous places; you may find yourself having dark dreams of ominous portent. You may say to yourself, "This is not my beautiful house!" You may say to yourself, "My god, what have I done??" Lech l'cha.
I am not the first and will certainly not be the last to talk about how life is a series of lech l'cha-ing. My own life seems to have had more of it than I would honestly say I'm happy about. I'm in Texas, fer pity sake! How did I get here?? Literally one of the last places in the country that I ever wanted to be in.
But because I have been placed here, I have learned a lot about myself. I've been through unbelievably fantastic times and unbearably sad, crushing times. It has brought me to the brink of absolute and utter despair and led to a fantastic rising up of spirit.
Abram's journey is a road map of our own. It can be seen as an optimistic sign that things get better. It can't have been all that easy to be living amongst idol worshippers to suddenly say, "Hey, those are all just chunks of rock and wood. You can't SEE God like that. You're silly to try," and then leave everything you've ever known because God has told you to, or at the very least, your faith in God has told you to. As a modern person, it's hard not to wonder about the psychological state of an ancient person such as Abram. Did he go through any sort of midnight of the soul, searching and finally understanding that he had to follow his heart? Or was it just as simple as, "God said to Abram, 'Lech l'cha?'" and off he went? What I would give for a simple "lech l'cha" without all the baggage. To know right now, for a fact that my decisions were the right decisions and not have to wait weeks, months, years, or NEVER to know if it was the right thing to do. But we can't know. There's no way to know. An angel is not going to come down and show us what would have happened if our decisions were different. We don't get to pull a McFly and deck the bad guy at the dance and have our future become great, where our kids think we're the coolest. We live from point to point, making decisions as we go along and hoping that they work out. They flutter behind us, our possible pasts.
Abram had it easy. God's voice was loud and clear. Nowadays, God's voice is hard to hear over my bills screaming to be paid, while I am trying to prioritize them and hope that it's the right juggling sequence to keep the rent paid, the cable on, the phone connected, the electricity on, and the dogs fed and healthy. If I stop to actually think about it...oh, boy that's scary.
But, as always happens when reading Torah, something pops up that I forget was there. Maybe not forget, really, but need reminding of its existence. In verse 15, these words popped out at me: "'Fear not, Abram, I am a shield for you; your reward is very great' ...and because he put his trust in the Lord, He reckoned it to his merit." In other words, as they say in AA, "Let go, let God."
So, lech l'cha is a veritable orchard of emotional fruit. The anxiety of stepping off into the abyss, falling backward, hoping and trusting that someone is there to catch you. The thrill of lighting off for the territories. Looking at a chunk of marble and seeing David hidden inside. Over the river and through the woods...let me see that map again...
It's starting out as Abram of Ur, but finishing as Abraham, father of us all. Lech l'cha is scary but it has to be done. How often? As often as it takes.
Shalom rav!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Noach-- Babel on and on...

Everyone knows this one! The earth has become one big Pleasuredome and God decides to wipe it out and start over using the lineage of Noach. An ark is built, big enough to hold breeding stock of every animal on the planet...built in 7 days, no less...and God commences flooding the place. When the world dries out, everyone gets out of the boat and proceeds to re-populate the place.

This has not been an easy one to write about. I wonder about the episode of Noach's drunkeness after the flood is over. He curses his youngest son who sees him naked, and blesses his other two sons for covering him up. What am I to learn from this? Don't seek my father's nudity? Don't see my father drunk? Don't see any figure of authority drunk and naked?? If I do, don't spread it around but, instead, cover it up? What is this nakedness? Was Noach really naked, or was Ham just seeing his dad as he truly was? Are we not supposed to know our authority figures in any personal way? Always hold them high, place them on a pedestal? If a person exposes a fault, do we ignore it?
Those are all really good questions. I know that I tend to place people whom I admire and look up to on a pedestal; people of authority. I don't really want to see them as just another person. I know intellectually that they are, but I'd rather see them fully dressed, rather than putting one shoe on at a time like the rest of us dogfaces.
And what about that "exposes a fault" line up there? This actually made me think of my job.
Part of my compensation is tips from clients. We have a set idea of what is an acceptable tip. If a person falls short of that expectation, we hurl a curse behind their back. But I don't know their whole story. What if their tip is really all they can afford? What if they're giving me a HUGE tip, relatively speaking? Am I right to call them a cheap bastard if I don't get what I'm expecting?
This really opens up my mind. I need to be more careful about that. With words the world was created. They're very powerful. This person needs me hurling expletives/ curses at them.
But I guess what really bothers me about the drunken Noach story is that you just get the feeling that there's something missing! Ham saw his father naked...aaaaannnd?? There are midrashim (later rabbinic writings that try to fill in the storylines) that make it sound like there may have been more going on, but those are just midrash. Midrash are often interesting, but they're not part of the story. They're just projections. I could say, "Ham jumped into the tent, grabbed Noach's penis and went 'HONK HONK!! Then laughed" and say that's why Noach cursed him, but there's nowhere in the Torah that says that, so it's just me, a guy 5000 years later saying it. No basis for it, but I had to justify Noach's curse.
WHY did Noach curse Ham? The best I can figure is that it comes down to respect. What I see here is that Noach was in his own tent; the entire world was just destroyed and he is one of only eight people who survived. He was chosen by God Himself to remain alive and repopulate the world. I imagine a person would feel pretty mixed up about that, if one was a righteous person, as Noach was. A man who had no ill will towards his fellow man. But he was chosen to live, while thousands, possibly millions died. I would feel great that God chose me out of everyone; but I think I would have some pretty heavy surivor's guilt, too. So, my grapes have finally ripened, and in my own tent, behind closed doors, I have some wine...I have quite a bit of wine and I get pretty drunk. So maybe I flop down on my bed to sleep and my junk pops out. Why, then, is my youngest son poking his head into my tent and ogling my package...and then running off to tell his brothers about what he saw? I think that was the sin. Ham was disrespectful. Torah goes on about respecting your elders, so that makes sense to me. Be respectful of others; don't go telling tales and don't stare when you see their faults exposed. You've got your own to deal with.

This portion also gives us the story about The Tower Of Babel. 340 years after the flood, people decide to build a city and a tower "with its top in the sky, to make a name for ourselves." The ego of this, the lack of God recognition, causes God to put a stop to the construction by "confusing their tongue" so no one can communicate. This one leapt out at me in a way it never previously did. This one made me see a great explanation for the Jewish tradition of giving anonymous tzedakeh (charity, basically). This tells us not to seek glory for our works, but rather let others enjoyment of the work be our reward. I like that one a lot.

Also in this portion: God says we can eat meat.

Friday, October 5, 2007

B'Reishit--The earth was unformed/ astonishingly empty

"When God began creating heaven and earth..." "In the beginning of God's creating the heavens and earth... " "When God began to create heaven and earth..." (there. Now you know which three translations I have, LOL). From there one diverges drastically from the other two, which say "The earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind from God sweeping over the water..." The other translation reads, "...when the earth was astonishingly empty, with darkness upon the surface of the deep, and the Divine Presence hovered upon the surface of the waters." I think it's safe to stay away from literal translations here. To me, as dramatic and epic as the creation story is, I cannot believe that the world was created 5768 years ago. Torah is a moral guide, a compass to follow which helps me find my place in the world God created. So, yes, I believe God created the world. Everything set in motion by a divine hand.
It's said that Torah begins with the Hebrew letter Bet, which is open at the front but closed at the back as if to say, "Don't try to figure out what came before, look ahead," or "Don't try to prove that which cannot be proved."
Anyway, that is not what I want to get into. I'm much more intrigued by this unformed earth which was astonishingly empty and the darkness which covered it. I feel very close to this earth. I feel like I have been this earth as recently as three or four years ago. I feel like I am occasionally this earth even these days. I think I was this earth for about two weeks last month, actually. I think everyone goes through being dark and unformed. Some people never get out of it. For some people it takes many, many prescriptions to get out of it. A lot of people try their own "prescriptions" and just make it worse. Some of us are luckier, I suppose, and finally move onto the creation of light.
Three or four years ago, I was this earth and had been for about two and a half years. I was trying to get to the creation of light and sometimes succeeded for brief periods, but never really got out of it. It was a darkness I could feel, completely covering me, allowing no light or joy to penetrate it. As time went by, I was absolutely certain that I would never see the sun again. And really, there's nothing worse than knowing what you're missing. I had friends but it didn't seem to matter. I was always being coaxed out by one or another and I tried to put on a good show of enjoying myself. I had certainly given up going to Temple. Then, gradually, very gradually, over several months, I tried more and more things to get me out of it beyond just the marvellous cocktail of medications the doctor had given me. I really hated being on meds. I felt stupid for needing them. I felt like a total failure for needing them. One of the things I decided to do was read Torah again. I really love Torah study. There's so many layers to learn something new every time you read it. I looked online to find out which parshah we were up to and dug back in. I wasn't ready to go to where others were also studying, but I was doing it. Then I bought a tallit, a prayer shawl. At that point I figured, well...I got a tallit just sitting there...kinda silly...ought to go somewhere and use it. It took me a year to finally go to a temple. Simchat Torah was on my birthday and I thought what a perfect time to go back! I did a search online for the closest synagogue to my apartment and that was it. I was going back among the Jews! Not long after that, I was off all the medications and remain so to this day.
So, I think what I am getting at is really obvious. We all go through periods where there is darkness over our depths; but the Divine Presence is always hovering over us. It may take more than 4 days for the sun to be created but it will come. In our morning prayers, we thank God for continuing the work of creation every day. Every day there's new stuff. Every day our bodies are creating new cells to replace dying ones. Within a year or so, our entire bodies have been re-created at a cellular level. We are constantly new but the same. Our entire bodies are a cycle with a new beginning; it's always the same and always new. Torah is always the same and always new. Each year, I am excited to start at the beginning again. Sure, I know Leviticus is going to arrive eventually, but I still enjoy it! LOL I always wonder "What am I going to see this time that I didn't see last time?"
Each year we come back to this unformed and astonishingly empty Earth and watch it sprout life. Messy, imperfect life which unfolds dramatically and often tragically. We sit around tables, chewing on bagels while chewing on text. This is one way we experience God: through the interaction, the "I and Thou" (which I have STILL not read!). Hopefully, our gathering is light for people in the dark who are still waiting for the Divine Presence, hovering over their surface, to break through.

After the earth was formed, a whole bunch of stuff happened, not the least of which being the first MURDER , people going forth and multiplying (heyyy...where did Cain find a wife??), then becoming base and unpleasant...except for Noah...wonder what HE's gonna do...

Oo-wee, that wasn't what I was expecting to write about at all! I thought, "Hmmm...Torah commentary...Rashi, Ramban, deconstruct, interpret, and elevate!" This was much more personal. But it's what struck me as I started thinking about what I was reading, and I think that's what we're supposed to do. Torah is about our people, yes, but it's also about us as individuals.
This is what Torah means to me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

OKAY, I can't just let "my favorite holiday" go by without talking about it! Simchat Torah was celebrated tonight and it was so much fun! It doesn't pack 'em like Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, but there was a larger than average crowd, including a lot of kids, so it was quite pandemonius (I know it's not a word, but it functions as one!). Most fantastic about the service is having an entire Torah scroll unrolled in front of the congregation, then recent bar and bat mitzvah kids read verses from each book. What's amazing about that was how well it rolled along. The kids had done their studying and it went really smoothly.
But, of course, the best part is the party after services! There was dancing and dancing and more dancing. I had a great time. My pal Frieda was there and she took a picture of me with a Torah scroll. She said she's going to send it to me so I'll post it here. It's so funny to watch the adults who WANT to dive in but seem to be held in place by their sense of...uh, propriety? Dignity? Fear of looking foolish?? I dunno. I just wish I could push a button so they would just grab a scroll and trip the light Torah-fantastic. There was a live klezmer band pumping out the yiddishe jams and I was wearing my big green Doc Martens making mad merriment all over the place. I tried to wear my green kippah but it wouldn't stay on and I don't have any clips, so I was wearing my oldest and still favorite hand-crochetted black kippah that has a rainbow around the edge. As I danced past Rabbi Debra Robbins I pointed out to her that it was a year ago tonight that we met for the first time. Man, going there was the best decision I made for myself since the first time I cut my hair short. I've never gone back to having hair down to my shoulders; may I never stop going to temple wherever I'm living.
I danced for a very long time because there seemed to be a shortage of any other adults willing to take the scroll from me; but that's alright. If I get to dance with a Torah scroll only once a year, I'm doing it for as long as I can. As I danced around, I couldn't stop myself looking gratefully at each of the rabbis. Really. Yes it's hokey and fer godsake I'm in my mid-40's, but it's true! I feel really, really lucky and, dare I say, blessed to have this clergy team! They're sincere, intelligent, and not the least bit stuffy and unapproachable. I can be goofy with them, but also believe absolutely that they would help me without hesitation in time of need.

Jewish life is full of cycles. Where Simchat Torah (my favorite holiday) is the final part of the High Holy Days cycle, it is also the beginning of the reading cycle that fills our lives every year. I've got a first draft of my B'reishit essay written and it is not even close to what I was expecting or intending. It's much more personal than I ever meant to be. I will probably do a couple more edits before I post it, but I think it will stay personal. That's what Torah is. It's about all of us, but it's also about EACH of us. Tonight, I danced with all of us at once. It was happy and joyous and wonderful and chaotic. It represents the absolute joy of studying something that means so much to so many people all around the world. The Torah scrolls are back in their arks, rolled back to the beginning; my book markers are at the front of my chumashim, and it's like we get to watch a tree grow from a seed all over again. Every year we watch a new tree grow, and the limbs are always different, the leaves are different shapes; the smell is different; the bark is different. But it's the same tree. I'm the same me, but I'm not the person I was last year at this time. And every year, we get to see Torah new again because of that. Man, what's not to look forward to??
Chazak! Chazak! Venischazeik! ("Be strong! Be Strong! And may we be strengthened!" --- traditionally said when we finish reading a book of Torah)