Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Before "In the beginning..."

Hey, thanks for looking in!
I was chatting with a friend of mine and she mentioned she was starting a blog about her daily life (see Life In The Deb Lane on this site). The idea popped up that I should start one about Torah, since she is often the recipient of my thoughts about the weekly Torah portion. It's a pretty intimidating idea, but, after thinking about it, I decided I would try it.
Here's what I plan on: I will be jotting down thoughts about parts of each week's parsha. I am NOT going to try tackling entire portions. I am not that advanced. Yes, I've been reading Torah for quite awhile (I'm about to turn 44 as I type this; my birthday falls near Simchat Torah; last year, it was ON Simchat Torah! GREAT birthday, I must say), but I don't feel confident enough to try throwing down on the whole parsha. I also work two jobs at this point so free time is at a premium.
Also of great importance is the fact that I can't read Hebrew, so all copies of the Torah that I have are English translations. I will be cross-referencing between the three that I have, plus checking other places in my library or online for further clarity ("clarity" being a very relative term, LOL)
And I reserve the right to get all tangential if something pops up :)
I decided I would do this at the start of the reading cycle and Simchat Torah, which commemorates the end and beginning of the annual cycle, and which happens to be my favorite holiday, is just a week or so away now! YAY! So, I figured I oughtta get this introduction done.
That's about all I've got to say right now. I imagine I ought to get started studying! Bear in mind, I am far from even close to being almost a Torah expert. I am so far from being an expert, that the light from being an expert would take ten million years to reach the planet. I am just plowing through the Torah looking for sparks and trying to repair a little bit of my part of the world.

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